Andrea Rothe


I cannot imagine how much nicer a vista a glance around the grocery store or gas station would become if we abolished some of the current fashion trends.  I’d like to imagine a world where I can gaze across the horizon and be sure to see neither stirrup pants nor pimp chains. I’d like a … Continue reading


Maybe we put too much stock in a college education. Is a college diploma really worth that much? In fact, most successful people I have met are self-made, either having limited or no college education at all, or a degree that has almost no application in the field in which they’ve become successful. Earning a … Continue reading


We all love money. We all need it. And yet it’s a point of stress for most. It’s hard to know what enough is. When it comes to bills, the strain involved can feel like an unwanted visitor always knocking at the back door. But it’s one of those things–you know you gotta deal with … Continue reading


Something happens when you grow up with a film. It very nearly becomes a litmus test against which you understand your changing awareness and sensibilities because it stays the same while you’re always changing. You stop identifying with just the children. You finally catch the jokes that flew over your head, and then eventually you … Continue reading


I have absolutely no pride. I mean not really any at all. Dignity…a little. Decency… well… that’s overrated. (I still refuse to wear a bra so I’m always sporting nipples, and I suppose that’s perfectly offensive.) But pride? Nah. And it’s because I’ve really and truly, painstakingly and embarrassingly earned every ounce of humility that … Continue reading


Times are tough, and I’m finding that it shouldn’t be an excuse for negative thinking. It’s a time for creative thinking and a goddamned sense of humor. Focusing on how difficult things are is the best way to stagnate. I’ve had many conversations with people about the state of things that seem to go nowhere … Continue reading


I’ve never understood God’s logic in deciding to give me a small set of tits and other assorted girl junk. I can’t seem to hang onto a girlfriend for more than a couple of years because I get tired of the banter never developing beyond clothes, boyfriends, or issues with her personal image. Or I … Continue reading


In 1993, I try my first cigarette. It’s eighth grade and it’s a pilfered smoke from my friend’s grandmother. We’re in the woods in flannel shirts and jeans sucking rebellion and premature adulthood through a cotton filter, and for only that, it tastes good. Eight years later, I am attending art school and buying my … Continue reading


I’ve eaten at least three meals a day every day of my life. I don’t remember most. Most feedings aren’t celebratory, and most of the time food simply serves to banish hunger for the next four hours. And I’ve been thinking. What if someone were to ask me what my three most memorable meals are?  … Continue reading


I’m rounding the bend to 30 years of age, and my concept of life over time has begun to drastically change–not because 30 is a magical number, but because I’ve finally lived enough years to realize how fast they pass. One year goes quickly. It’s alarming. I’m watching my best friend struggle and fight with … Continue reading