Portraying the firecracker Suzy Turbo is Ryan Taylor, a Los Angeles based actress who has in the past worked with our director Andrew Sweeney. She’s going to melt some hearts as the temptress.
Portraying the cynical and slightly morbid Still Alive Annette is Hanna R. Hall, a Los Angeles based actress who you may remember from The Virgin Suicides or as young Jenny from Forrest Gump. Annette is the foil of the film’s dueling narrators and Hanna is going to be awesome in a role that allows for some comedy as well as giving the story a human center.
Portraying the role of Clara is Los Angeles based actress Anne-Michelle Seiler who has appeared on General Hospital and The Bachelor as well as several independent films. Clara’s the heart of the film and Anne Michelle is going to be like a beacon of light in our sophomoric and vulgar little movie.
As always, we’re looking for folks to help us out in a variety of tasks. Send a note with your interest HERE if you want to. Stay tuned for more information and there’s always our ramshackle priestportal.com site with more info.