Eric Balfour is an actor with a fabulous jaw and Skyline on his resume. That’s really enough to make you understand that he means business. He was on 24 for a while and received Leatherface’s offerings in the not horrible Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. On his Twitter feed he recently dropped a bombshell: He’s directing a feature film based on a comic book.

Jesus Hates Zombies.

Finally a zombie comic. Finally a zombie comic movie. Finally a comic where a character from history becomes an ass kicker. Finally a comic where a character from history becomes an ass kicker of zombies. Finally a comic where a character from history becomes an ass kicker of zombies that plays against the peaceful image of the character from history.

I never thought I’d live in a world where Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter was a slice of nostalgia.

Here’s the kind of material we can expect from the feature debut of Mr. Eric Balfour:

You can keep apprised of this high profile project via Balfour’s Twitter feed or on the OFFICIAL web site for Jesus Hates Zombies.

One thing you can say about Balfour: He is a man of his word. He said he was going to use Twitter to discuss environmental causes and he is. Result!


Special thanks to Justin Waddell for the huge scoop.