March 24

Media: Justified. Am a few weeks ahead of the broadcast stuff and it’s great. Began to watch Rubber. Finally.

Music: Air, Moon Safari.

Comedy: Listened to the Gaffigan CD again. Also, I decided to give Dane Cook’s Isolated Incident a spin. It’s a lot better than all of his post-Retaliation work. He’s still unbearable as a personality and his schtick is old… but he seems to be evolving a little.

Food/Drink: Planet Smoothie for breakfast (thanks Andrea!). A little chicken sandwich for lunch. A little pasta for dinner. No booze. Some green tea, some coffee, and some water. I was boring! I did enjoy some cigar action.

Family: I collapsed when I got home between work and softball.

Friends: Dave Wagner met up with m at The Blue Havana II for relaxation and smokes. He’s doing some great work in rescuing Great Danes. Eddie from the old shop was there and soon…. Renn and Andrea. Good stuff. Then I got to see my other softball team. Some really good guys there. Cliff, Simon, and Brian are true gentleman and I dig a few others as well. Frankie seems like a champ. Video game designer/sound engineer. Good guy to know.

Work: I was all over it today, launching my mediocre (and a bitch to format) DVD War as well as the daily stuff and a fun piece. I also got the travel dates on a very special set visit I’ll be attending next week somewhere in the Midwest.

Art: Zero art.

Goodies: Some Mega Millions and Keno tickets. Their value: UNKNOWN.

Screenwriting: No.

Projects: Nope.

Minutia: I was ill-equipped for softball AGAIN (the day before I had to buy drawers before the game or else I’d have been risking a testicular torsion). Today is was my spikes. I ended up wearing too small turf shoes that hurt like the Klan.

Activity: Played ball with the gents. After a shitty foul-out I hit a delicious double to right center and then an inside-the-park home run that was magical. The right fielder was playing off the line and when I have my opposite field stroke on I can decimate a team. I hot a ball that one-hopped the fence and it had so much spin on it that it hit fair and then dove to the right. I could jog home, but the third baseman faked the tag (which is a major no-no in my book as I saw a fake tagĀ  lead to a broken fibia) and I was awarded home regardless. I played excellent first base and did what I could to keep the excitable (but talented) young dudes from throwing the ball away. Luckily I didn’t have to bat behind the two instant outs in our lineup.

Ailments: Those little shoes hurt my little feet. My knee seems to be warning me that it’s going to buckle and fuck up my ’11 at some point.

Shrink’s Chair: The laziness of people makes my hate go supernova. I heard a guy bitching because he couldn’t find a torrent for a film he could watch for free if he had Netflix. Fuck a torrent in the mouth. Lazy dicks.

Asshole(s) of the Day: The dude who fake tagged at third base. I had to hit the breaks, then try to change direction, and then plant and try and tear ass home. So dangerous. Especialy when your best athletic years are behind you.

True Trivia: I get way too personally involved when the Braves don’t play well or if someone gets hurt. Today Jair Jurrjens got hurt and I wanted to punch a Methodist.

Link of the Day: The Iberian Pig. One of the finest restaurants in the Southeast. The visionary dude behind it is someone I’m proud to call a friend and one of the most inspiring and creative workaholics I’ve ever seen. And he’s ten years younger than me. SICKENING.

Looking ahead to tomorrow: Friday. I hope to be able to rest my buttocks like a champ.

The Day’s Rating:


Out of a Possible 5 Stars


Discussion thread for Finding a Discipline.
