.I’m looking forward to The Cave. I love creepy crawly beasts, I love Cole Hauser, and I love films that don’t pretend to be anything more than they are. This is a monster movie.

The only downside is that it may keep Jeff Long’s The Descent from getting made, but this is what life is about.


To learn more about this film visit the Fetal page HERE. Otherwise, get ready for monsters!

How to win a pass to this lovely little thriller? Send a SASE to CHUD HQ with the words "Spelunkers Do It With Spunk" on the flap and tell me which city from the list below you want to see the film in and you’re golden. Hurry too, because one I run out of passes the envelopes become less full on their return voyage.

Also, I really need to purge my T-Shirt bin, so if you love CHUD and want to support us pop in our sale price of $13 and tell me what size you want. A shirt will fly your way. Please specify a CHUD shirt or a RON/CHUD Shirt.

Note to people outside of Atlanta: PLEASE tell me which city you want to see it in. Often, someone who lives in Tennessee or North Carolina will send a SASE but I’ll have no clue if it’s for Raleigh or Memphis or Charlotte or Nashville. I’m not bright like that. Gimme a hand, please!

Participating cities:


Mail SASE to:

4915 Camberbridge Dr.
Alpharetta, GA 30022