For those unfamiliar, Axe Cop is a web comic written by Malachai Nicolle and illustrated by his brother Ethan. When the series started Ethan was 29 and Malachai was… 5. The silly gimmick here is of course that the mad musings of a kindergartner are set to paper with earnestness by an Eisner-nominated professional comic artist. The results are just as adorable and hilarious as you might expect.
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Axe Cop, some Australian fans – Afrim Memed (producer), Peter Muehlenberg (director), Anthony Koreny (cinematographer), William Emmons (Axe Cop) – put together a live-action adaptation of the very first Axe Cop strip, which is just as sublime as the comic itself. It may even be funnier. The shot of Axe Cop holding the dinosaur head is amazing.
I smell a new Adult Swim series!
Check out the original Axe Cop comic the short was adapted from. Click to embiggen.