A ton of images from this summer’s batch of blockbusters have been pouring onto the web for a few weeks now, and among all of the superheroes and famous spies coming back for sequels or to set up franchises, it’s actually four morons and a monkey who will generate the most excitement.

The Hangover was a out-and-out phenomenon, grossing just under a half a billion dollars worldwide and becoming the highest grossing R-rated comedy ever (shit, it’s in the top 50 highest grossing movies ever, period). So with that in mind, one expects the sequel is going to generate a ton of excitement as we watch these guys sink to even lower depths of depravity and dumbassery. If the few images that have emerged are any indication, Todd Philliips isn’t going to be afraid to make this a dirty movie in the most literal sense possible. Looking filthy, disheveled, unwillingly shaved, and tattoo’d our heroes (sans their often-missing fourth member) from The Hangover II have seen better days in these new stills…

It makes perfect sense that they’d side-step over from baby comedy to monkey hijinks.

I love how piss-tinted everything is in these shots- looks like they’ll be making Thailand and the boys as filthy as possible. It wouldn’t be The Hangover if they didn’t go from well-dressed and perfectly trimmed for their trip to being worn shells of men, coated in their own sick and filled with regret for unknown mistakes though!

I would expect a trailer sooner rather than later, probably attached to something BIG.

(Oh, don’t forget the well-coiffed picture we’ve already seen, down below.)

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