January 13

Media: Mad Men, 5 episodes. Buried (for screen grabs)

Music: Crowded House.

Comedy: Listened to new Louis CK again beginning to end. Very good stuff.

Food: A little biscuit in the morning, and a sandwich in the evening. A little boredom all day.

Family: Minimal. Back to the actual office!

Work: Nonstop. Mostly on CHUD. The drive home took almost an hour, but that’s only because Georgians drive like Michael J. Fox fucks.

Art: Nope.

Screenwriting: Nope.

Minutia: Having watched three and a half seasons of Mad Men over the past week and change I’ve been able to become very opinionated about the show. It’s great, truly great… but they’ve made some weird choices. Played darts with Dave and Pat over a smoke (thanks for the Fuente AƱejo, Dave) and drink at the Irish pub… and then came home to a great idea for ANOTHER horror flick.

Activity: Slipping ass up and down the driveway.

Shrink’s Chair: The unpredictability of the internet and its contributors causes my buttock to hurt.

The Day’s Rating:
