We know you need your classic action stars in every P you can get, so CHUD is bringing you The Expendables in full 1080p HD glory with a copy of the ExpendaBlu-ray Combo Pack to hand over to one of your happy asses.
The film shot, stabbed, punched, kicked, flew, exploded, and flexed its a way to a gross of a quarter of a billion of the world’s dollars. There is a second film on the way with a ton of hype concerning who Stallone will coral to kick ass and separate torsos next. You can read our Tag-Team review right here, and join Sam Strange as he remembers the film here, and even better, you’ll be reading an exclusive interview between our own Nick Nunziata and three of the Expendables themselves very soon. Crews, Couture, and Lundgren have all agreed to speak with CHUD, and we definitely want your suggested questions. In fact, that’s how we’re going to decided what badass gets the Blu-Ray!
So here’s the deal- concoct one great question per Expendable (no ear questions, ya lumps) and send them to Nick at this link. Don’t forget to include your name and address because if you have great questions and no address for the the Blu-ray, we’ll be forced to kick it into the nearest child.
Look for the interview soon, and good luck!
[Oh, and if you’re too impatient to enter a contest, you can always pre-order the film from CHUD right here!]