It feel as though Jason Segel’s Muppet movie has been in pre-production forever. But it’s been so long since Kermit & Company were out on the big screen that I imagine they’ve got some freshening up to do. Tighten their strings, recolor their fur and feathers, polish the googly eyes. And you’ve got to cash some real humans too.
Amy Adams was rumored to be circling the Muppet movie, and now THR’s Heat Vision reports that she’s signing on to play Segel’s girlfriend. She will be helping Segel’s human hero round up the Muppets. And who better to do it? I’m a straight woman, and I would happily obey Adams’s chirpy voice.
THR also reports that Rashida Jones will be lending her girl power in the rather thankless role of an ABC executive. Maybe she will have her office torn apart by Animal or something.
But I think the best bit of casting is Chris Cooper, who will be playing the villain of the piece. Cooper will be a greedy oil man, who wants to buy the Muppet’s studio and drill for some Texas tea. As if his dastardly, milkshake drinking ways weren’t bad enough, he “never found the Muppets funny to begin with.” Gasp!
I’m sure there will be lots of unannounced celebrity cameos, just like in the good old days of Muppet movies, and those will be spoiled for us in reviews and Tweets the day it hits theaters. Actually, they may be spoiled in December or January, as this is set to begin filming next month. Let’s take a moment to savor the surprise we think is waiting for us, shall we? And also the hope that this will really be a Muppet movie as good as The Muppet Movie, so a new generation realizes how funny, clever, cuddly, and wonderful they once were.