We hate it when our friends become successful, Morrissey once said, but I don’t find it to be that true. It’s kind of exciting when a friend does well, and it’s exciting to see Jeremy Slater continue to do very well in Hollywood.
You might know Slater’s name because he used to write DVD reviews for us – like his popular DVD Holiday Orgy of Despair – and has been a fixture on our message boards for more or less ever. Now you’re going to know his name because he, along with Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, has created a pitch that they’ve sold to Dreamworks. The untitled film, an airport thriller, will be written by Slater. The film will be directed by video and commercials director Matthew Cullen.
I can’t tell you anything more about the project because I don’t know anything else about it. I do have some good pictures of Slater from my last birthday party, though, so maybe I should blackmail him into giving CHUD the exclusive scoop. In the meantime I’m certainly looking forward to following the entire thing through production and then giving the movie a well deserved 10/10 review.