“WTF: Secret Wachowskis Futuristic War Movie In Production?” is the headline at Slashfilm right now, and the answer is a simple ‘No.’
The story comes from a tweet made by Arianna Huffington, who includes pictures of her taking part in a ‘movie on Iraq from the perspective of the future,’ which appears to involve being dressed like an extra on the original Star Trek and sitting in front of a green screen. But it seems that Huffington is a little confused: she’s not making a movie with the Wachowskis.
In fact, she’s participating in tests for their next project. They’re just shooting a couple of days this month, but it’s all just test footage. As to what that next project is… well, I’m trying to find out. But in the meantime know that the Wachowskis are not shooting a secret movie.
UPDATE 1: I should mention that these are likely camera tests. They’re shooting on the RED.
UPDATE 2: Thanks to Cinematical’s Erik Davis for pointing out that the Wachowskis have optioned the novel Cloud Atlas and that this could fit in with that book.