This is very last minute, but if you don’t have any plans for tonight, why not come see Let the Right One In tonight at 9:00 at the Two Boots Pioneer? I’m going! All the cool kids are going, so why not you?
Fangoria is hosting the free screening (as they have been all month, including an upcoming showing of Splinter) and tonight is a stand-out night. There’s a double feature of Trick R Treat and Let the Right One In going on at 7:00 and 9:00 respectively, and according to our friends at Magnolia there’s still tickets left for the latter!
To try and get tickets, send an email here with all your info. If you come tonight, keep an eye out for the big dude with the Freddy shirt… that’d be me. Going to go grab some of that great Two Boots pizza before the show. It’s all about the Bird slice.
Make sure to keep an eye on Fango’s new site for upcoming screenings.