Pixar’s adding to the “Kitty!” with this one.
You’re surely aware that Pixar will be pumping out a sequel to Monsters Inc. later next year (which I think looks just fine), and with 3D animated rereleases now a proven market, what better promotional move than to get Mike And Scully back in theaters to raise awareness?
The poster above joins a new trailer for the 3D rerelease, which is naturally just a trailer for the movie that exists and you’ve seen. That said, when they re-render these things, Pixar tends to do a nice job sprucing up the imagery, textures, etc so that you’ll definitely be seeing the film the best it’s ever looked, in addition to the added 3D. The differences in the images below pulled from the new trailer and the old are merely illustrative (who knows what all upload compressions the old trailer has gone through), but they still give you an idea of how a new render will improve a film like this.
So if you’re kid’s dragging you to this (one of Pixar’s more entertaining films, if not best), there’s at least that.