In person you can tell the tensions and friendliness demonstrated by the three main characters in Project X is far from made up- these guys have a dynamic going on, even two years out from shooting. Some of it is a little abrasive (eyerolls aplenty), as they tend to talk over each other and interrupt, but you can tell that a real chemistry developed between these guys.

Spending weeks at a relentless, exhausting party and acting wasted for 8 hours a day together will probably do that to you.

I sat down to speak with (from left to right in the video) Oliver Cooper, Jonathan Daniel Brown, and Thomas Mann about the process of shooting the batshit insanity contained within Project X (my very favorable review of which will be up in a little while), and we had a nice talk. I hope you’ll pardon the roughness of the video, as this was a quick and dirty endeavor to get this interview on film and get it up in time for anyone to give a shit. I decided to just yank out the interesting chunks from our brief talk and mix them in with the trailer, so it’s a short and sweet look into the film and its actors.

I hope you enjoy…

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