’m going to be honest with you guys: I haven’t actually watched a new episode of The Simpsons in a few years. Part of the reason for that being I just felt the show wasn’t as ‘fresh’ as it used to be.

I have, however, been anticipating the movie for quite some time. It’s been in development for years, so I’m sure the screenplay would be much better than the ones that they have been churning out every week. And after watching the new trailer, I feel that my assumption is correct.

Fox debuted the trailer last night during the show, without much promotion. I didn’t even know that they were going to air it until after the fact. I guess it was supposed to be a nice little surprise for those out there that still watch The Simpsons. Clocking in at a little less than a minute and a half, this new trailer DID manage to make me chuckle. A few times, actually. Regardless, the new animation style, though still similar to the show, looks fantastic. Almost 3D in a way (though they make it clear that the movie is in ‘glorious’ 2D).

[Note from Devin: I thought it was a terrible piece of shit. I hope they went with an extended, unfunny gag only because no other animation is finished.]

Check it out for yourself over at their Quicktime site.