Oh shit! Sorry, that’s something I put together for private time. The real thing is right here…

"Oh Shit! It's time for a poster! Do we have anything?" "...Just this mock-up from the paperback novelization department..." "To the tubes with it!"

I was concerned about vampires and werewolves peeking over the horizon, but I guess this is probably dusk in reality. That might make War Horse a sure-fire Best Picture winner though… a boy and his choice chased by supernatural assholes in the trenches of WWI? I can see the awards shelf already sagging from here.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that none of the marketing for War Horse is likely to do much to convince me of what about the film is a good idea. The theater show on which it’s based is acclaimed as much for the uniquely theatrical spectacle of the horse puppets as the melodrama at the center, so it’s a worrisome adaptation at its core. I have no doubt Spielberg possesses the ability to make it interesting, but since the promotion (as evidenced by the trailer and the poster above) is going to be committed to selling this in the most sun-shiney, inspirationally pandering manner possible, I’ll just have to wait and see for myself.

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