It’s a shame Legendary Pictures doesn’t see crossover potential among religious fantasy action movies, otherwise we might have seen Tilda and Keanu pop up in their upcoming Paradise Lost. For those that appreciate the dour charm of Contstantine, perhaps it could have sparked off the sequel that never came.

All cute hypothesizing aside, I’ll be happy to watch Casey Affleck take on the archangel Gabriel alongside Bradley Cooper, Ben Walker, and Djimon Hounsou. That’s an interesting part for such a specific and peculiar actor, and though I love the androgynous take on the character played by Swinton, there’s certainly room for a new cool interpretation. The Alex Proyas film shoots next year and will be a huge blockbuster spectacle piece. Frankly, it sounds pretty fucking cool. Casey will be a fun addition– a vaguely creepy angel is right up his alley.


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Source | THR