From the mind behind the mega-hit Syfy show you’ve probably never heard of (EUREKA) comes a tribute to all those no-budget Syfy original movies and the “so bad, they’re good” films that inspired them. Move over Roger Corman, step back Ed Wood, make way on your weekend programming schedule Mr. Stern, because here comes Andrew Cosby’s 365 DAYS OF SCI-FI.

And it’s all happening here! Each day, your friends at CHUD will bring you a brand new bad movie pitch — the best of the worst title Cosby can come up with, no matter where he’s at or what he’s doing, rain or shine, drunk or sober. That’s a whole year of the quality concepts you’ve come to expect from the network that brought you MANSQUITO and SHARKTOPUS.

365 days of Sci-Fi Archive


“Who’s in the mood for a quirky sci-fi romantic comedy?”

– Andy Cosby (Twitter)

“Love is in the Error”

EXPONENTIALLY YOURS: Set in the distant future on an off-world mining colony populated solely by male and female worker clones all grown from the same two genetic templates, one young man suffering from a strange genetic anomaly struggles to set himself apart from a seemingly infinite number of nearly identical peers in an effort to win the affections of a female coworker who longs for change and ultimately comes to share his dream of finding someone special in a world where no one is special.

Nick Says: I call shenanigans. This is not a bad movie concept. It’s a good movie concept. How dare you waste it on THIS SITE!


This article series is in no way affiliated with SyFy. This is a creative experiment and ongoing test of nerves that is perpetrated by a few insane people and should be construed as such. If for some reason these people actually make one of these as a feature it must be chalked up to their own lunacy. These are the intellectual property of Mr. Andrew Cosby and not the property of or SyFy.