For the next 30 days I’ll torture you with my stupid answer to the writing prompts taken from the 30 Day Writing Challenge and the 30 Day Song Challenge. Here we go:


Writing Challenge – Day 13:  Discuss some of the things on your bucket list.

My bucket list was always very small, so by the time I turned 22, I was done with my bucket list.  I wanted to learn another language, live abroad, live on my own, and learn how to make movies.  So I learned English to something approximating an advanced level, I’ve lived in two countries aside from my birth land, I’ve lived on my own and with some crazy fabulous housemates, and I went to film school.  Now all I look forward to is contentment, which is something I’m pretty sure we all want.

Song Challenge – Day 13:  A song that is a guilty pleasure

Britney Spears has been a hot mess for so long but she’s come up with some catchy tunes.  And I don’t quite get Lady Gaga, I don’t think she’s that great at writing lyrics, but the girl’s very creative and I respect that.   My two guilty pleasure songs were conceived by these two ladies.  I adore these songs.

I’m a Slave 4 U – Britney Spears

Teeth – Lady Gaga