I seem to be in the teeny, tiny minority that likes Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes and the BBC’s Sherlock.  I love Guy Ritchie’s dirty and slimy London, which looks exactly as it should.  I think Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law bring that special something (I guess you’d call it homoeroticism) that make their adventures enjoyable.   So I welcome the sequel with open arms.

But, I don’t know that I love the trailer.  I’m intrigued that it seems to go well beyond England (Russia, possibly?) and bring in trains, ships, and forests to mix it up with the cobblestones and alleyways.  But it seems too big.  There better be a good reason for all these explosions…and hey, I like explosions, especially if they’re vaguely pre-modern.

I wish we could see a little more of Jared Harris’ Moriarty.   I know a lot of us were underwhelmed by the casting (that’s what happens when Daniel Day Lewis gets name-dropped into the mill) and the sentiment extends to his first appearance. I hope there’s more to him than a top hat.

I’m also bummed they recycled the “in your face/hand” joke, but I can forgive it, since Sherlock is clearly crashing Watson’s honeymoon in a really disturbing way.

The trailer is up on Apple, so take a look and come back to chat.