It’s never as much fun to prognosticate on the fate of films you haven’t seen, but unfortunately I haven’t seen Cars 2 or Bad Teacher. I find myself strangely looking forward to both. My expectations are so low and uninvested in this latest Pixar entry that feel like I’ll be able to enjoy the well-directed action and the technical beauty of the images. Larry the Cable Guy kind of kills that though.
It’s odd to me, the idea that Cars 2 won’t be a blow-out hit (despite being “the first Rotten Pixar film!!1!!!”) considering the enormity of its reach among kids. It’s always said that kids films don’t track well, and it’s just hard for me to wrap my brain around this not opening well ahead of its predecessor. I’m going to be very wrong, but I’m going to go ahead and push my prediction into the 70s for that reason. Kids will show up all weekend, there’s 3D, its screen-count is huge, and Pixar, etc. etc. etc. We’ll see.
Bad Teacher seems to have caught some late buzz with it’s fun concept, and maybe Bridesmaids have given audiences hope in women-centric comedy. Let’s see how that turns out.
Green Lantern’s light will surely fade, but how nasty will that drop be? There’s a chance it could hold out number 2, but it doesn’t seem likely.
Writing this on a plane that’s about to land, so lets roll the dice and catch back up Sunday.
Cars 2 ….. $70,000,000
Bad Teacher ….. $23,000,000
Green Lantern ….. $17,500,000
Super 8 ….. $12,500,000
Penguins ….. $9,500,000
Come back Sunday to wonder what the fuck I was thinking with me.
The thread in which you talk about this stuff.