May 8

Film/TV: A colossal Braves win! On ESPN. Against the hated Phillies. Fantastic. Also, a great Hawks win. Also, the entire latest season of Entourage. Also, Game of Thrones.

Music: Nope. Was too busy watching everything that ever happened. Most of it on the iPad: the device which turns me into a TV watcher.

Comedy: No, though I did laugh when I watched this beautiful butterfly gracefully flitter all the way across my yard and right into my face. I watched it for a minute from about 50 feet away. And it flew into my fucking face. I have butterface.

Food/Drink/Inhalents: A pretzel at Barnes & Noble. Sushi from Trader Joe’s. I made a light dish for dinner, simmering some chicken strips in a lemon pepper saute and then serving them and the au jus over arugula. A dash of fresh lemon on top and a drizzle of olive oil. Light, refreshing, and good. Boring, but good. I had some Newscastle and we all had ice cream as part of our “ice cream social” on Mother’s Day. Mom can’t eat much because the radiation makes her throat a nightmare. So we made sundaes. I then had a Drew Estate Java on the patio as I began a late night of media.

Family: Covered in family through midday as it was that holiday. it was very nice, with kids playing wiffle ball in the yard and all sorts of other hootenany.

Friends: Nope.

Work: Prep work mostly.

Animal of the Day: Weekend times!

Art: No creations.

Goodies: A whole bunch of groceries. More lights for the patio. Some oil candle things that look like Goblin Grenades. Little tidings for the patio. I found two books I want but held off. I did finally snag the Blu of The King’s Speech.

Screenwriting: Randolphs.

Projects: Finished the lighting on the patio (for now, as we’re waterproofing it next weekend and I’ll have to take them down for that) and did all sorts of other little things to make it more cozy.

Minutia: I a, so proud of what is and plans to be. I really hope folks support it. It’s not a Mom and Pop like CHUD. The domain is very expensive and so is the cost of running it. Folks need to not only spread the word but actively keep it going through like sand shares and stuff.

Activity: Surpisingly, a lot. Standing on a ladder screwing dozens of hooks into hard wood with just your hands is actually very good work. Hauling, moving and whatnot. Pretty good work.

Ailments: My foot was a little shitty, but that’s because my yard is uneven and I stepped wrong about fifteen times.

Shrink’s Chair: Stillness is underrated.

Asshole of the Day: Rude couple who basically slammed the door in my face at the book store. There’s some nationalities who are less cordial than others, as a generalization. Insular maybe? Or wary of Americans? I dunno. All I know is that I have experienced more than a few bouts of extreme rudeness of late from certain folks and I try not to make it a racial thing but stereotypes are what they are often for a reason.

Hero of the Day: Craig at Trader Joe’s, who let me pick out a bouquet of flowers for Mom as she’s missed over there. Mom works part-time at Trader Joe’s and is on medical leave as she battles throat and lung cancer.

True Trivia: When Salem’s Lot aired on TV (yes I’m old), it scared me so much that I slept under the kitchen table so my parent’s could protect me.

What Did I Learn Today: When your eye is right up against the wood you see some icky shit in the gaps between planks on your deck. Years of rainwashed dog hair and Cthulhu knows what holding it all together.

Link of the Day: Animal of the Day archive. It started off strong and now is somewhat ignored.

Looking ahead to tomorrow: Electrician! Work! Poker!

The Day’s Rating:


Out of a Possible 5 Stars


Discussion thread for Finding a Discipline.
