According to Variety in an article here: Breaking Bad’s three time Emmy winner Bryan Cranston is in talks to play the Villian in the upcoming Total Recall re-make. Now, I have vehemently HATED the original since first seeing it upon its release on VHS back in, whenever the hell that was, and the escalating discussions about re-making it have been nothing short of cannon fodder for me. Based on a Philip K. Dick story, We Can Remember It For You Wholesale, the Verhoeven/Govenator version of the film caused such an outbreak of loathing within my circuits that I actually went so far as to skip reading the story when I eventually found Mr. Dick’s work about seven years after the film and consumed much of his canon in a matter of weeks (and hot damn isn’t it time to remedy that and re-read everything else? Especially War With The Fnools?). The 1990 movie had that super-set designed look that, while I understand the limitations of the times and the fact that it was indeed a Sci/Fi action movie, just looked downright neon-retarded to me. Factor in the hammy one-liners and the ‘what-might-have-been’ other Dick adaptations like Blade Runner, a film from 8 years previous, and well, maybe you’ll see why my hate runs so strong for the film. So it’s no surprise I wouldn’t care at all about a re-make until…

Bryan Cranston.

The article says he’s in talks, and opposite Colin Farrell who was once on my avoid list but since In Bruges has earned the benefit of the doubt, well, maybe we’ll have something with some… class.