It’s hard to believe that Terrence Malick, a director whose release schedule operates at a celestial pace, will be releasing a film this year. By all indication it is as epic as anything he’s ever produced, and a new poster is hoping to convince you of exactly that. Making it quite clear that this film touches on every level of life, it captures moments both cosmic and human. It’s certainly promising that The Tree of Life has beauty to spare- so much so that it can fill up 70 little boxes with intriguing imagery for a poster just teeming with energy.
It’s not hard to imagine the motion-poster version of this one-sheet, with each of those little segments running a few seconds of that imagery in a big flowing collage.
Last week I did a run down of the line-up for Cannes, on which Tree of Life was right on the top. The film will make it’s long-expected debut there, and release in the US on the 27th of May, shortly after.
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