Media: Top Gear.
Music: John Zorn’s Spillane.
Comedy: Nope.
Food/Drink: Pasta! Tuna! And a little Bulleit bourbon to make the launch easier.
Family: I had Rocco from rise to 5pm, but on top of that was taking my mother to her surgery [throat, scary]. Then, the balance of little man and infirm mother unable to speak [or smoke, a trend which I hope continues] and then the little girl at 2:30. It was a lot to juggle for me. Too much, in fact. I was a bit off my game as it was but I am not the best go-to person in a stressful crisis. I took Rocco to roam the mall so Mom could rest and he shoved all these little apple pieces in his mouth and gagged. I freaked out. Can’t have any choking on my watch. Long day. Tiring.
Friends: The office folks.
Work: After the family stuff there was the launch of to contend with. For all practical purposes my work day began at 5pm. At 4am I got home and was able to sleep.
Art: Piss off!
Goodies: I got a shirt!
Screenwriting: Look away, nothing to see here.
Projects: What if that one guy wants to do that one thing? That would be amazing.
Minutia: The more I use them and deal with the load times and stuff… blu-ray’s kind of crappy.
Activity: Sort of.
Ailments: Just fatigue.
Shrink’s Chair: When the smoke clears I’m going to have to address some stuff with some people. Status Quo, unacceptable.
Asshole(s) of the Day: The stiff shirted pretty boy in the office building who is rude and has never even tried to at least be cordial. I hope he catches fire.
True Trivia: When bored as an early teen I hit a battery with an axe and it exploded into my eye. Battery acid in my eye. I dialed my father’s office by touch and soon I was having yellow dye squirted on my eyes to check for retina scratches and shit. My eyes gunked over for days. I looked like The Beyond. Not my smartest moment.
Link of the Day: Finally.
Looking ahead to tomorrow: The storm after the storm.