February 14

Media: The Sopranos, Season One. Episodes 1 & 2. Toying with revisiting the entire series. Tony says some very un-Tony things in that first episode.

Music: Listened to a few playlists I created for my friend Pat on our drive to our escape spot here in the Florida Panhandle. Lots of Zero 7, Air, Galactic, MMW, The New Mastersounds, Massive Attack, and Particle in there.

Comedy: Danny Bhoy & Louis CK.

Food/Drink: Had a Starbucks protein plate on the drive. I love these things. I wish I could get a discount on them as I’d eat it every morning. Upon arrival in the Grayton Beach area, the mother and I grabbed lunch at The Red Bar. A fucking amazing smoked tuna salad plate. A little Philly for dinner.

Family: In lieu of a formal Valentine’s Day, a holiday that is one of the dumbest ever, the whole cadre is spending the week working and playing from my good friend Jeff’s beach house. It’s like one long hug! Mom and I drove down today with the others to follow. Mom and I had a great time lounging and getting things prepped.

Friends: Nein.

Work: Once everything was up and running, a decent bit. So happy my new list is getting well received.

Art: Nope.

Goodies: Lots of food and booze for the week!

Screenwriting: Nope.

Projects: Holy shit yes. Looks like I’ll soon have my toe dipped in film distribution and midnight movie programming on the West Coast.

Minutia: Pitchers and Catchers! Spring training has begun! It’s like a veil of mediocrity (football) has been cast away, revealing the freshly cut grass, beauty, and delightful delightfulness is in its place.

Activity: Not enough. I need to compensate today.

Shrink’s Chair: If I could deflect the negativity from irrelevant people and situations and focus just a little better, my work would benefit immeasurably.

Asshole(s) of the Day: The wealthy old man at the quaint bookstore in Seaside (Where they filmed The Truman Show) who was incredulous that they weren’t current on Barron‘s.

True Trivia: In the mid-80’s, myself and my three best friends played our own game called ‘The Angus Scrimm Hour’ in our backyards. It involved a Nerf Football and a lot of chasing. It was sort of like a mixture of Hide and Seek and Smear the Queer. Here’s what became of the four people from that game:

Me, my credentials are what they are.
Sean, Coast Guard lawyer and accomplished writer of articles and comics.
Brandon, former professional baseball player and successful businessman.
Kevin, writer of many television shows and comics.

Link of the Day: James May’s comical editorial on why he hates the US Top Gear presenters.

Looking ahead to tomorrow: Work. Sunlight. Poker!

The Day’s Rating:


Out of a Possible 5 Stars

Discussion thread for Finding a Discipline.
