.UPDATE: Nashville patrons, send a SASE with "I Eat Brains" on it to the address below pronto! Screening is next Tuesday and I have to send these out by Friday or Saturday the latest! Hustle!

Dawn of the Dead is one of the great movies of all time. Night of the Living Dead too. Day of the Dead is one of the great horror movies of all time and stop by my house whenever Thor’s Sean Fahey is in town and there’s a good chance you’ll hear a Cap’n Rhodes quote being screamed out. The recent Dawn of the Dead remake was solid too, but there’s no substitute for Romero.

He’s back.

Land of the Dead is the fourth and theoretically last zombie film from the one and only master of the genre (well, Fulci’s pretty good too), and one anyone and everyone needs to see.

Not just because you love horror flicks. Not just because it’s a way to kill Friday night. Not just because it’ll probably be great.

Because it took this long to get a new Romero flick because people in suits didn’t feel confortable enough giving an old Pittsburghian like George the dough over the most recent flavor of the month. Shit on that. Romero, Carpenter, Coscarelli, and their ilk are why horror is great and Land of the Dead is a cherry on top of decades worth of brilliance.

Did I mention that the dead eat the living? That’s another reason to go.

Want to see it early? Follow the rules below and make sure to WRITE ON THE ENVELOPE
the words "I EAT BRAINS!". I want to freak out the USPS.

These are the cities we’re doing the screening in:


Grab a SASE and shove it in the
mail and PLEASE specify the city it’s for as I don’t know all those suburbs and often have sent passes to
the wrong cities because folks didn’t specify.

Also, the new CHUD.com shirts are here in all their glory and supplies are dwindling. Please look here or here if you want to grab one. I can send it with your movie pass! Either way, send the SASE to:

4915 Camberbridge Dr.
Alpharetta, GA 30022.