It’s coming. We’re days away from ringing in a new year and, more importantly, the new face of CHUD. The signs and harbingers of the new site, rejuvenated staff, and fresh attitude are already apparent, but there’s still plenty yet to come. One of the new features will be a video podcast- we like to keep up with the times around here and decided it was the right moment to finally bring the The CHUD Show into 2D (we may not stop there though). The audio version of the podcast will certainly continue, but it’s high times that CHUD assault your eyes as well as your ears.
Hopefully long-time listeners will find that The CHUD Show in video form is still everything they know and love, while readers unfamiliar with CHUD’s podcast will discover a whole new world of delights. Episode 0 -or- How Jake Busey Was Made could be considered a beta test for the new CHUD show –there are a ton of experimental features, unpolished chunks, and outright fuck-ups– but it’s an extremely dense and valuable piece of CHUD content that represents a lot of hours spent. You can expect improved audio, prettier footage, uglier faces, and more graphics in Episode 1 and beyond, but Episode 0 is pretty slick already.
We hope you enjoy every goddamn pixel.
The embed can be found below, and an audio-only version for the purists can be found right here.
The CHUD SHOW: Video Podcast #0
[How Jake Busey Was Made]
A few notes…
• An unnoticed camera shift at the beginning of the shoot led to the birth of the “Fuck Steve” camera angle, which will appear in selected segments!
• Do no adjust your YouTube player… weird shit is going to happen to you.
• We would LOVE your constructive feedback. Don’t feel the need to suck our dicks, but don’t be a sucked-dick about your comments either.
127 Hours
Alien 3
Black Swan
Brothers Bloom
Country Strong
Dances With Wolves
The Fountain
Green Hornet
The Guardian
The Guardian
Gulliver’s Travels
Hellraiser 3
Hider in the House
Jason X
Megamind 3D
The Muppets Christmas Carol
National Velvet
Onion Fields
Pet Cemetery
Shot in the Dark
A Single Man
Terror From The Deep
Tron: Legacy
True Grit
The King’s Speech
The Lookouts
Touch of Evil
Water For Elephants