I think we all need at least one really nice positive thing about the entertainment business every single day of the year, including weekends. Sometimes it may be something simple, like a video that showcases something fun and sometimes it may be a movie poster that embraces the aesthetic we all want Hollywood to aspire to. Sometimes it may be a long-winded diatribe. Sometimes it’ll be from the staff and extended family of CHUD.com. Maybe even you readers can get in on it. So, take this to the bank. Every day, you will get a little bit of positivity from one column a day here. Take it with you. Maybe it’ll help you through a bad day or give folks some fun things to hunt down in their busy celluloid digesting day.

By Andre Dellamorte

What I’m Thankful For:
Point Break in the Criterion Collection

Yeah, okay, this isn’t really happening, and – to be fair – I’ve seen fake Criterion covers done for quite some time now (especially at the great resource site Criterion Forum), but for whatever reason http://fakecriterions.tumblr.com/ has gone viral, and though the work is hit and miss, what works is excellent. Personally, I would love to see Criterion tackle Point Break because there’s some very interesting things going on in the film, including its sexual politics. Bigelow is definitely a Douglas Sirk fan, and his influence is felt in that movie. Anyway, the site is good for a giggle.