The dust is finally settling all over the new Medal of Honor, so now it’s time to give the other similarly-marketed war FPS some time in the spotlight. Resist the pull of Fallout: New Vegas for a minute to watch the launch trailer for Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops:

Welp, at least they didn’t use All Along the Watchtower.

For all of its over-the-topness – including base jumping, wing-dodging, and JFK mayhem – the trailer strikes quite the serious tone. It’s looking more and more like a close cousin to Modern Warfare 2.

If you’re worried that Treyarch will try to out-controversy Infinity Ward by having your character assassinate JFK, just forget about it. JFK will be fighting zombies in this game alongside McNamera, Nixon, and Castro in a Left 4 Dead style co-op mode. Call of Duty: Black Ops arrives on November 9th.