entering a new age here at CHUD, with a refreshed stable of writers, a
re-energized concentration of efforts, and a focus on consistent,
knowledge-backed fun. To ring in this new era for the site we wanted to
bring you a truly special, truly memorable, truly incredible list that
characterizes what CHUD is about, and we think we’ve cooked up just the

The 25 Grossest, Most Execrable Moments in Film.

here to explore the most depraved, flinch-worthy, vomit-inducing (or
vomit-involving) moments ever put to film. We’re not interested in
simple gore and viscera here… We’re looking for the shittiest,
pusiest, cummiest, pukeiest, piss-filled scenes in the history of
motion-pictures. Some will be huge, some will be small, but they’ll all
be gross. We’ve also put an unprecedented amount of effort into
pre-planning, scheduling, and dividing the effort for this list, so
expect it to hit you every one of the next 25 weekdays (with a number of
special surprises planned for the weekends!).

without further ado, grab your nearest complimentary airsick bag (or
maybe just a whole trashcan) and jump into CHUD’s newest list.



Nekromanik (1987)

Rob Schmadtke is a man with the best job in the world. He works for Joe’s Cleaning Agency and is one of the workers that removes bloated, decaying corpses from accidents, murders and suicides. Why’s this such a great job? Because Rob’s a necrophiliac, and thus never without a fresh supply of body parts to fool around with.

Well, mostly fresh.

His girlfriend joins in on the fun one day when Rob brings home a full corpse (quite a find!) and eventually ends up falling in love with it so much that after Rob gets fired from his job she leaves him for the corpse. After the loss of his girlfriend and lover (not the same person) Rob is so upset that even killing his girlfriend’s cat doesn’t make him feel better. After a failed suicide attempt he hires a prostitute and strangles her in a cemetery to get a taste of that sweet dead ass. When a gravedigger tries to intervene the next morning Rob kills him with his own shovel and then frolics through a field while classical music plays. He goes home, selects a sharp knife, crawls into bed, unzips his pants, and starts stabbing himself in the stomach.

But it’s about to get worse, folks. One blood spurting cock on this list wasn’t enough!




All over his shirt, but he won’t have to worry about the stickiness for much longer.


Not from his sperm, no, and it’s debatable whether those faces are of a man in pain, ecstasy, or both. Plus if the last shot of the film is any indication- a high-heeled shoe planting a shovel into Rob’s grave- he’ll be back in action any time now.


Not only do we get this autoerotic suicide, it’s cut to real scenes of cute little rabbits getting their throats slit and skin sliced off.

Nekromantik was banned in just about every country in the world. Not that that stopped director Jörg Buttgereit from making a sequel, which was actually seized by authorities just 12 days after its release in Germany.

Also, it inspired Cannibal Corpse’s classic love song I Cum Blood.
Today’s installment was written by Alex Riviello.

Sqlurt all over the CHUD Message Boards


So Rob brings home a corpse, which his wife finds quite sexy in and of itself, but she wants to get down with the corpse loving. It proves to be quite the predicament! After all, with such a rotten body there’s absolutely nothing stiff to have fun with. What could an adventurous couple do- cut off a piece of pipe or something?




Ohhhh ménage a noooo.