Collider has premiered the trailer for director Guillem Morales’ upcoming Los Ojos de Julia (Julia’s Eyes), produced by CHUD fave Guillermo Del Toro. The film stars Belen Rueda (The Orphanage), the film tells the story of a woman who is determined to uncover the secret behind her sister’s death, even though she is slowly going blind.
The synopsis: Julia, a woman suffering from a degenerative sight disease, finds her
twin sister Sara, who has already gone blind as a result of the same
disease, hanged in the basement of her house. In spite of the fact that
everything points to suicide, Julia decides to investigate what she
intuitively feels is a murder case, entering a dark world that seems to
hide a mysterious presence. As Julia begins to uncover the terrifying
truth about her sister’s death, her sight deteriorates, until a series
of unexplained deaths and disappearances cross her path. Morales wrote the script with Oriol Paulo.
Los Ojos de Julia will be released on October 29th in Spain (Wikipedia has it at October 20th). Lluís Homar, Clara Segura, Julia Gutiérrez Caba, Francesc Orella, Pablo Derqui, Joan Dalmau, Hèctor Claramunt, Daniel Grao, Boris Ruiz, Víctor Benjumea, Carlos Fabregas, Dani Codina, Òscar Foronda, Laura Barba co-star. This looks pretty good, very dark and moody. Can’t wait to see the eventual American remake, which will probably be out before Julia goes blind.