We already knew that Sam and Max was coming to the Xbox, we just didn’t know when. But Telltale has let us know that the entire first season of the critically acclaimed series next week on June 17th!

The six-episode season is now titled Sam & Max Save the World will come with HD graphics support, achievements and foreign language subtitles. It will cost 1600 Microsoft points ($20) which is the same price that the PC has been dropped to this week. Consider that each episode will take you 4-5 hours to complete, and you’ll realize what a bargain this is.

If you’ve somehow missed it on the PC, or via WiiWare- no more excuses. This is your chance to finally see what all the fuss is about, and live out their the hysterical adventures that lead them to a war against the Toy Mafia, see them try to escape a virtual reality world, and even assassinate the statue of Abe Lincoln.