We haven’t echo-chambered every little photo that Edgar Wright has posted on his fun document of the Scott Pilgrim shoot, but some have to be brought to your attention. Here we’ve got the first in-world images of The Clash at Demonhead, featuring Scott’s sorta-evil ex Envy Adams. They’re the axis around which the third Scott Pilgrim graphic novel revolves. Some of the best scenes in the series come about as a result of these guys. And yeah, their name is lifted from a Nintendo game.
In the center we’ve got Brie Larson as Envy Adams. On the right is her boyfriend and the band’s bass player, Todd Ingram. You probably can’t recognize him, but that’s Brandon Routh as Todd — I wouldn’t guess that was him if I didn’t know he was playing the role. Todd is a super-powered vegan, and one of the biggest assholes in the story. I’m fairly excited to see him on screen, actually. (Bring on the story about the moon!) He’s also one of Ramona Flowers’ (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) exil exes that Scott (Michael Cera) has to defeat.
On the left is drummer Lynette Guycott. Who’s playing her? Good question. Back in March we saw the first sorta-photo of Lynette, and I asked Bryan Lee O’Malley about the actress. He downplayed her identity, saying it was no one I’d know. Make of that what you will. Got an I.D.? Let me know! Oh, and those wrappings on her right arm in the last shot? Might be to help hide the fact that it’s bionic.