A couple weeks back, Devin reported that the choice for a second season of HBO’s incredible Easbound and Down was in the hands of the creative team. That’s a rare, amazing fate for a show. That HBO would love the six episodes of scathing comedy created by Jody Hill, Ben Best and Danny McBride was surprising enough. Not forcing a second season is cause for any number of labored metaphors about managing your team by giving priority to the health of key players.

The implication of today’s news in Variety, then, is that Hill, Best and company decided to go back to the well. HBO has officially greenlit “an unspecified number” of new episodes to air next year. We’ll get to see lots more of former pitcher Kenny Powers, assuming that Danny McBride actually has time to shoot the episdoes. No one knew who the guy was a year ago, and now he’s one of the most popular comedians in the business. Sometimes things work out.