Everything I’ve ever learned in my life about Twilight emanates from CHUD coverage and not much else.  I’ve seen the various news items we’ve thrown up (not a euphemism) about the various players and pretty much left it at that.  Have I been inspired to look up Robert Pattinson and the rest of the gang to become more familiar with their many life accomplishments to date?  Not really.  All I really know is that now and forevermore, his is the Face to Be Fucked.  Does he deserve such an honor?  Only Nick knows for sure.

So it’s with a bit of indifference that I report, courtesy of Variety, that Mr. FTBF has already lined up his first non-Twilight role in Summit Entertainment’s upcoming Memoirs.  The project is said to deal with a pair of star-crossed lovers who meet and fall in love while
struggling to deal with family tragedies that threaten their
  No fangs are said to be involved, nor is much originality in the concept.  The original script was written by Will Fetters and will be reworked by Jenny Lumet (Rachel Getting Married).  Allen Coulter is in talks to direct.