First of all, I recommend clicking over to check out Nick’s man-love for The Shield as it finishes its run on TV this week.  So now that Vic Mackey and crew are done with the small screen, what about a jump to the big screen?  Well,’s Michael Ausiello spoke with series creator Shawn Ryan about that possibility, as well as other things regarding the series finale.  When asked about the possibility of a Shield movie, Ryan stated that, “Hollywood is obviously a place that revisits ideas or shows, and maybe that will happen with The Shield. Maybe not. But I’d only do it under circumstances in which the quality could remain the same.” 

Ausiello and Ryan really get into some spoilerific specifics about the finale, but Ryan also comments about not being able to be on the set when the finale was shot last spring due to the Writers Strike.  He also mentions how he would have asked the director to change a certain scene between two characters:  *Invisotext on*  “The scene with Shane and Mara, where Mara’s in the bed and is having a lot of pain and he’s going to help her to the bathroom…  *Invisotext off*  It came off a little lighter and more comedic, and I wanted it to be a little more tragic. I ultimately was able to get the effect I wanted, but it just required a little more work in the editing room. What you saw reflects how I wanted it to be. But it’s a little bit choppier than I would necessarily would have liked.”

Ryan’s favorite scene from the finale turned out to be: *Invisotext on*  “I really like the final confrontation scene between Claudette and Vic, where she lays those photos out in front of him. I always knew in the back of my mind that I wanted a Claudette-Vic confrontation [in the finale]. I guess what I could not have anticipated when we got there was that Vic doesn’t even really say a word in that scene. I always sort of envisioned the two going at each other, but the way this story broke, it was just Claudette talking. The things Michael Chiklis said without saying anything… it was a real acting triumph.”  
*Invisotext off*

Obviously, there’s a lot that’s said, but only if you have seen the finale.  Click the link below to find out what Ryan had to say about other characters, including a few deaths, a character that appeared after a four year absence, and comparing Mackey to marine life.  But be warned: the whole thing is a spoiler.