For the fifteen of you who didn’t go see Casino Royale 1.5 (seriously, tickets should have been half-priced) this weekend, the new trailer for J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek is finally online in a format you can actually see, hear, and judging from the first thirty seconds… smell.
I’ve been sort of excited for the film, what with J.J. being TALENTED and Star Trek not being sacred material to me, but the first look at this online last week had me worried. The introduction is absolutely horrid and I find it seriously geeky and unrealistic to have Jimmy Kirk proclaim himself “James Tiberius Kirk” to the Black Hole Sentry Cop. Seeing it on the big screen yesterday eased some of my concerns because it plays better bigger, but it still raises more questions than it answers.
I did like Karl Urban as Bones, which was a surprise.
Luckily, Star Trek has been manhandled so much as a franchise that the haters have no leg to stand on.