Dear Listeners,

This is a long chunk of hell. A few of you seem to think that we edit out stuff that’s really great, but it really isn’t. That said, this is two hours and forty minutes of what I will only call ‘material’. That’s all it is, and to say anything else would just make you sad. It makes me sad, but not enough to edit it. This is what it sounds like when we record and TRIM NOTHING. Then we add another forty minutes of voice mails.



Here’s what you’ll be hearing once you download this feast:

Subject covered: um… stuff.

Listen to it here on the site from the link above or use the appropriate format from these choices:

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Just go to the iTunes store, click on “Power Search” in the
upper-righthand corner. In the “Artists” field, just type “CHUD,” and
presto, we appear.


B) Just open iTunes, go to Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast, and paste in the “URL” field.

you use any other podcatching software and are subscribing for the
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Official Podcast Discussion.