
Jeff Daniels’s Will McAvoy is signing off. For good.

First the good news: HBO’s hit-or-miss The Newsroom is returning for a third season. Now the bad news: it’ll be the show’s final run. HBO announced today that Aaron Sorkin will return to put together the show’s third and concluding season. There was some question about Sorkin returning at all because of his other commitments (namely the Steve Jobs biopic) but the creator is on board to bring his news drama to a close.

Season three will begin filming this spring.

The Newsroom got off to a rocky start but one wonders how much of that nitpicking had to do with the increased scrutiny Sorkin receives. You don’t get a pass after creating The West Wing. While The Newsroom never reached the heights set by that landmark show, it was going somewhere and building toward something. Last season’s lackluster finale aside, it felt like Sorkin was starting to hit his stride with the characters and the world he created.

I’m excited to see how Sorkin concludes this short-running show. The series has been bouncing around thematically and, honestly, kind of concluded things pretty neatly at the end of season two. So what will Sorkin do with these last few episodes? Will Jeff Daniels continue to kill it? Will Olivia Munn continue to impress? Will Jane Fonda continue to chew as much god damn scenery as possible? And lastly, which big news stories will Sorkin (a bit heavy-handedly) cover? Something tells me the gun control debate is going to be a biiiiiiig part of The Newsrooms final run.

Source: THR