I am sorry I have to use a link to a trailer on some person’s YouTube that has an ad because basically it means you have to watch an ad to watch an ad but Apple doesn’t allow folks to embed their trailers because they really want you to go to their site to watch it and god forbid your cursor moves and you have to start the download again… Behold the first look at Jose Padilha’s remake of Robocop starring Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Awfulhair, and Michael Keaton:

It works for me. Anyone who considers the material sacred didn’t see the sequels and the cartoon. Michael Keaton is an inspired choice for the baddie and as much as I loathe The Killing I’m sure Joel Kinnaman will do fine in a role that begs him to be monotone and mostly emotionless when he becomes the titular character and wear slightly oversized shirts before. Looks fine. And I don’t mind the black costume.

Thank you Shaun H for sending us the link as a scoop.