The band responsible for the soundtrack to Shinya Tsukamoto’s hyper-surreal Tokyo Fist have recently started performing live again in Japan. Der Eisenrost is lead by long time Tsukamoto collaborator Chu Ishikawa and is well regarded as one of the groups that established the industrial music genre. Here is the newest footage produced by the band of their most recent show at URGA in Shinjuku, Tokyo.
While not for everyone, this music is raw, abrasive and original and is responsible for influencing some of today’s greatest artists to include Trent Reznor who composed the theme to Tsukamoto’s Tetsuo: The Bullet Man. This clip contains the first few songs of their performance on stage. Skip to 4:44 to see them play one of the most notable tracks from Tetsuo II: Body Hammer titled Sort of Foods and enjoy the sounds of true industrial metal.