a quick read of this recently published Sam Raimi/Robert Tapert interview with Comic Book Resources, it sounds like Sam Raimi isn’t saying much of anything about whether he intends to direct Spider-Man 4. But if you over-scrutinize it in order to make a big deal out of what is potentially nothing, it sounds like Raimi isn’t completely sold on James Vanderbilt as the writer of the fourth entry in the franchise.

For instance, there’s Raimi repeatedly referring to Vanderbilt as "The Writer" like he’s Bill Parcells cautiously/insultingly talking about Terrell Owens as "The Player". Then there’s the director’s quiet hostility over moving Peter Parker into adulthood (i.e. marriage). And then there’s this:

Do you have any inclination yet towards whether you’d like to produce or direct the next Spider-Man movie, or is too early to call?

Sam: I think that’s going to be up to Sony Pictures, and I think that it’s too early for them to say, actually.

The only way this decision is "up to Sony Pictures" is if Raimi makes his directorial participation contingent on more musical numbers and a greenlight for a $150 million, shot-for-shot remake of Crimewave with the same cast. Though it is interesting that Raimi seems a tad unreceptive to Vanderbilt ("seems" being the operative word here), the tepid critical reception for Spider-Man 3 is kinda overshadowed by that $890 million worldwide gross. If Raimi wants to come back, he’ll come back.

And if he does come back, the continuity will hold. And Peter will not be married.