Instead of just bumping the one article for the CHUD Podcast,
I’m going to give each installment their own so that we can build this
thing up a little better and keep it fresh. Of course fresh isn’t
exactly on the menu with these shows due to the meandering craziness of
them, but you get my drift.
#20.5 – B-Sides, Schmi Sides
We’re still making preps for our next full bore effort which should fit in nicely with all of the onslaught of summer season arriving this month (and we do kinda sorta get to Spidey 3 here). But until then, we wanted to end the suffering and give you guys something to chew on. If this podcast were music, it’d be a B-sides collection. It’s a hodgepodge of DVD Shelf segments that didn’t make the cut of previous episodes for time reasons, Old Man, voicemails from staff writers, readers, and the podcast crew itself, plus some other silliness. At 48 minutes, it’s still mega-meaty, so have no fear that you’ll love this any less than other installments. And yes, Devin makes an appearance. Also, my apologies in advance for rambling my way through my explanation of my feelings on Batman Forever and Spidey 3. IM me sometime and I’ll do a better job of proving that English is my first language.
To subscribe to the Podcast, go to Itunes and find CHUD SHOW
in their "Movies and Television" category (help us succeed on there and
find new listeners!). You can find it on Podcastalley right here if you want to vote for us and help us out. I’d ask you to follow these instructions:
Just go to the iTunes store, click on "Podcasts" in the "Choose Store"
menu. In the "Search Podcasts" field, just type "CHUD," and presto, we
appear. You can use the search field in the upper-right hand corner of
the program or the one in the mid-left of the "Podcast" window.
B) Just open iTunes, go to Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast, and paste in the "URL" field.
you use any other podcatching software and are subscribing for the
first time, just paste that same address into your "Feed" field or
however your respective program gets podcasts."