There are two kinds of Chewers… those who love Taxi Driver, and those who haven’t seen Taxi Driver. The landmark classic from Martin Scorsese remains the most dark and psychologically brutal of all of his early work, and now it’s been digitally restored and scheduled for two revival showings in AMC theaters.
The nights?
Saturday, March 19th, and Tuesday, March 22nd.
That’s more than two weeks away, with a weeknight and a weekend scheduled, so there’s no really no excuse not to work this into your calendar now.
The film is playing at a ton of theaters across the country, and chances are there are one or more near to you. You can check that list here, and enlarge that poster to the right for more details.
The projection will be in 4K which yes, isn’t film, but will still be a stunning way of watching the movie. Why one might think some beat up old print is more appropriate for watching the film, D.P. Michael Chapman perfectly captured the grunge and filth of New York all right there in the celluloid, and his work needs no help from scratched, dirty projection prints to look gorgeously seedy. If last year’s anniversary digital restoration and projection of The Exorcist is anything to go by, then this will be the best the films ever looked, and event not to be missed.
I know I’ll be at one of those screenings, have any plans of getting a group to go in your area?
(via Cinemablend)
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