
The American

Business is booming for George Clooney right now. The guy was impossible to avoid in 2009, with three films out in a two-month period, one of which got him a Best Actor nod at the Oscars. But what’s interesting to note is that Up in the Air, The Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Men Who … Continue reading


Back in my Expendables review, I remarked how its story pretty much boiled down to how Hispanics are stupid and impotent folk who can’t do anything without the white man helping them. I personally found the racist undertones very difficult to ignore, but nonetheless subtle and hardly the focus of the movie. Now, meet that … Continue reading

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2nd Take)

I just went to a second viewing of Scott Pilgrim and came back with some new thoughts and nitpicks. MAJOR SPOILERS are ahead, so you should only read further if you’ve seen the movie. And if you still haven’t seen the movie, then I really need you to either get to your nearest theater immediately … Continue reading

The Expendables

Any discussion of The Expendables must start with the cast. These actors, after all, are the reason why this film got made and the reason why anyone would be remotely interested in watching it. I don’t know how Sly Stallone did it, but he gathered a who’s who of the action elite. Some of the … Continue reading

The Switch

Perhaps the most important part of any movie is the beginning. Nothing sets the tone of a movie like its opening scene. If a horror movie is going to succeed, it absolutely must be scary within the first five minutes. An action movie has to open with some stunt, fight or chase scene to get … Continue reading

Piranha 3D

When writing my blog entries, I generally make some token effort to avoid major spoilers. DVD write-ups are obviously the exception, as there’s kind of a statute of limitations to how long you can keep a secret about movies. Still, I do try to avoid spoilers so that any of my readers (all twelve of … Continue reading

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Before we begin this blog entry, there’s something I’d like you to do for me. First, find a pen or some other similarly-shaped object. Got one? Good. Now place it between the third (middle) and fourth (ring) fingers on your right hand. Seriously, don’t wait to see where I’m going with this, just do it. … Continue reading


You may have noticed that it took me a long time to get to this one.  It may very well be on its way out of theaters by the time you read this. I really didn’t care enough about this movie to go see it, until I read this review. Against what I’m sure was … Continue reading

The Other Guys

The first act of this movie had me absolutely hooked. Sam Jackson and Dwayne Johnson were going through typical cop movie motions and playing them perfectly straight. It was film parody at its finest and I can’t possibly justify in words how true and funny it was. Those opening minutes had me pumped for a … Continue reading