Charlotte Gainsbourg is certainly one of those strange, difficult-to-quantify actresses that seems to contain a storm of interesting sides and expressive instincts within her, all packaged in such a demure and delicate form. With that in mind it’s kind of hard not to feel a touch of concern for her as she apparently moves towards taking the role of the titular nymphomaniac in Von Trier’s planned art/porn film of the same name…

Keep your hands where we can see them Lars...
This is a project Von Trier jokingly teased during his Cannes fiasco, but started developing with a straight face soon after. Now Variety is reporting that Charlotte Gainsbourg is indeed interested and on the top of the list, while the film itself is quickly carving up its European distribution deals and moving forward. Von Trier will apparently still shoot a hardcore film, but prepare a softcore cut as for “mainstream” distribution as well. The Playlist also notes that the actress was talking openly about her interest earlier this year, while murmurs that Stellan Skarsgard and Willem Dafoe have been approached are still unconfirmed (though clearly likely).
Obviously Gainsbourg has already gone full-out with Von Trier in Antichrist, giving him a manic performance that ultimately entailed her openly, desperately masturbating on camera along with all of the other icky, sexual content in that film that she was a part of. The really pornographic parts [picture me sticking an index finger in my other, circled hand here] were accomplished with stand-ins, but I’m really kind of wondering how many stand-ins Von Trier is going to accept with a film like this. I’m sure by now Gainsbourg has a defined relationship with the director that would allow her to determine just what she is and is not willing to do, but Von Trier is notoriously impetuous, and sliding deeper into his darker natures and more indulgent film endeavours could always result in some on-set drama… Gainsbourg is a mature adult that will certainly make her own informed decision without needing my concern, but I’m simply saying that it wouldn’t be the first time Von Trier has gone a little too far or alienated actors with his antagonistic process. Something about this project just makes me think it could get out of hand.
This will definitely be a project to keep an eye on either way, though maybe from behind a splash-guard, like a Gallagher show or something.
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