Can Universal muster up another date move for their Snow White project? They’ve already moved it once, just far enough to knock the wind out of Relativity’s sails, but now that studio has shifted their project to March (which is now a money-making month). Is Universal prepared to make their dickishness clear? Maybe. Could this kill the project? Unlikely. Would they move their film back to its original December date for space? Probably not. But who knows. Regardless, now Relativity has to sweat to get their film done but quick!
So as it stands…
Realtivity: Snow White (dir. Tarsem) – March 16th, 2012 starring Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, Armie Hammer, and Nathan Lane
Universal: Snow White and the Huntsman (dir. Rupert Sanders) – June 1st, 2012 starring Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth, and Charlize Theron
Your move Universal…
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