Here in Atlanta there is a pair of gentleman who run a podcast called Imperial Trouble. While it covers some specific Atlanta events like Dragon*Con, it casts a much wider net of discussion over science-fiction, comic books, literature, and movies. I was recently invited to be a guest on their 25th show, and we ended up discussing a wide variety of topics, mostly movie related. I’m hoping CHUD readers will give it a listen and enjoy it. You might get a little bit of a better idea about my childhood and the things that influenced me, but mostly there’s just good discussion about Thor, summer movies, and art in general.
For the Dr. Who fans out there, also note that there’s a chance to win a delightful prize by keeping an eye on their site today/tomorrow.
I want to thank hosts Jason Mallory and Sam Mitchell for having me- I enjoyed being a guest very much and hope to make a return appearance (apphearance?) sometime soon. Let me know what you think.
The show is available on the Imperial Trouble website, or on iTunes. Don’t forget to check out their Facebook as well. The guys have covered a wide variety of topics, so check out the other episodes and see if there’s anything that interests you.

My guest picture, complete with dinosaur-related Animorphs book and dumbeard.
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